WHO Poll
Q: 2023/24 Hopes & aspirations for this season
a. As Champions of Europe there's no reason we shouldn't be pushing for a top 7 spot & a run in the Cups
b. Last season was a trophy winning one and there's only one way to go after that, I expect a dull mid table bore fest of a season
c. Buy some f***ing players or we're in a battle to stay up & that's as good as it gets
d. Moyes out
e. New season you say, woohoo time to get the new kit and wear it it to the pub for all the big games, the wags down there call me Mr West Ham

legrandefromage 12:16 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
The Stasi had a very strict Diversity Programme

Coffee 12:12 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
The Stasi was East Germany.

Wils 12:08 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
mashed in maryland wrote...

"What's most surprised me is how little its been mocked and abused....

If enough people took the piss it would go away overnight. Go back to paragraph one for the reason why."

The reason this doesn't happen, at least by normal people not seeking acceptance by the woke crowd, is that these ideas are mainly pushed from places like HR departments in workplaces. We should face it down at every opportunity but It can be difficult to challenge at work if your livelihood is at stake. Modern HR departments are now functioning very similarly to the Stasi in the soviet union. Enforcing ideological allegiance and punishing those who refuse to comply.

Mattie Mulshun 10:51 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Hermit Road 10:47 Sun Dec 12

Go Universal !!!!

There are 7.753 billion people in the world.

5.287 billion of these live in Russia,China, India, Africa, Pakistan, Banglasdesh, Indonesia and Brazil.

Like most of this sexist racist gender woke nonsense ,men swimming in womens races, LGBTQIAPFU etc etc this pronoun crap will be ignored and ridiculed, correctly, by more than 70% of the worlds population, and the countries where it occurs widely mocked.

One Flew 9:14 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
This is on the Off-topic forum

legrandefromage 9:10 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
What is definitely odd is that you would rarely use a personal pronoun to address that individual directly. It’s not like a salutation (which Your Majesty would be) so adding it to an email feels unnecessary. If the intention is that you are supposed to remember everyone else’s preferred pronoun in case you later refer to them in a conversation then it sounds impossible.

mashed in maryland 8:58 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Its just attention seeking. Women and gay men are more susceptible to the need for validation. That's why most heterosexual men find this stuff silly.

What's most surprised me is how little its been mocked and abused. People randomly changing theirs every day, demanding to be called "your majesty" etc. By their own rules they'd have to honour you if you did it.

If enough people took the piss it would go away overnight. Go back to paragraph one for the reason why.

legrandefromage 8:35 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
I would love to go all gammony over this but think it is best ignored.

Sydney_Iron 8:12 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
I would rather just be called or referred to as a cunt than have all this nonsense on my email etc

Many may think Iam anyway, but that’s all ok as well rather that than he/him etc

What’s the world come to anyway, fuck sake!

Manuel 6:58 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

Alfs 5:52 Mon Dec 13

What exactly was the point of posting all that up on a football forum??

Coffee 6:43 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Alfs 5:52 Mon Dec 13

Alfs 5:52 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
I have a business that specialises in LinkedIn. This he/she bollocks is getting more and more popular. They're like lemmings, thinking that if they add the he/she, they're being cool and understanding of everyone's feelings.

Which is bullshit. There is not a person on this earth that has no bias, has no distaste to certain minorities, has preconceptions, makes assumptions based on appearance.

Like it or not, we all judge others, as we can't help it. It's in our DNA as part as our survival instinct.

Instead of having to be Woke, PC, non sexist, why can't we be allowed to be ourselves and simply be honest with each other (without being rude or cuntish).

People putting themselves in boxes is not the way to encourage discussion, as it alienates others who don't understand their 'box'.

And men are getting so much shit lately, for being born as a man. Therefore we rape, beat our partners, all whilst earning more money than women. It's so skewed by a vociferous minority. Even fervent feminists are saying that it's gone to far.

Put a dress on if you like. Get your balls chopped off and invert your penis whilst you're at it. It's your choice and I don't care - but don't make me feel bad for having an opinion about it.

chevy chase 4:34 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Send me a photo of its tits n cock and I’ll confirm. Actually don’t.

Hermit Road 10:53 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
The other thing you’ll see is people who do it maintaining that they always listed their pronouns because they fully believe it is right and anyone who doesn’t do it is a nasty bigot. That’s much easier than admitting you are doing it because of self interest.

Hermit Road 10:47 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
This has gone rampant in a short amount of time and will be universal within two years with a small minority not joining in. It will become that way not because of the people who agree with it, but because of the people who disagree with it and go along for reasons of self interest ranging from wanting promotion to wanting a quiet life.

Feed Me Chicken 10:15 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
Iron Duke, that’s very true sadly and also the reason we are in this mess in the first place! Too many cowardly cunts unable to stand up for themselves.

Wils 10:12 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
* I work for (eye roll)

Wils 10:12 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
Iron Duke wrote...

"Call me a cynic, but I think most people put their pronouns on their email because they are ambitious and brown nosing so that they can get a promotion."

Absolutely this. The famously woke company I woke for recently had a meeting via zoom that had over 100 hundred attendees. About 10% of people had added pronouns to their Zoom name. When I looked at their profiles they were mostly senior leadership and the ones who weren't were definitely careerists trying to ingratiate themselves with that leadership.

Woke has always been a top-down thing. Imposed by the upper-middle class and those who aspire to join them.

Wils 10:01 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
Trouble is too many fuckwits will go along with this for the quiet life.

To be clear, anyone asks you put your pronouns on any form just to tell them to Fuck off.

Mike Oxsaw 9:29 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
How do they address this problem in Thailand where lady-boys or katoeys have a much higher profile?

Iron Duke 9:28 Sun Dec 12
Re: Gender pronoun
Call me a cynic, but I think most people put their pronouns on their email because they are ambitious and brown nosing so that they can get a promotion.

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